
Title: Congressional Commission Recommends Increasing Nuclear Arsenal Expansion: A Closer Look Introduction: In a recent report, a congressional commission has...

The detrimental consequences of Congressional inaction on the Ukrainian and US militaries Congressional inaction can have severe consequences, especially when...

Wittman expresses reservations about Air Force’s proposal to expedite programs Congressman Rob Wittman, a senior member of the House Armed...

Rogers Urges Pentagon Inspector General to Investigate Space Command Basing Decision In a recent development, Representative Mike Rogers has called...

SEC Chair’s Congressional Testimony Intensifies Ripple’s Legal Battle, Raising Concerns about XRP Price The ongoing legal battle between Ripple Labs...

SEC Chair Gary Gensler Criticizes Cryptocurrency in Congressional Hearing In a recent congressional hearing, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chair...

Private Equity Investments in Every Congressional Black Caucus District: Insights from the American Investment Council’s New Video Private equity investments...

Possible Compulsions for Senators to Expedite Military Nominations in the Near Future The process of confirming military nominations has always...

The Biden Administration has recently provided an update on its review of marijuana legalization, shedding light on the progress made...

Alabama Lawmaker Attributes SPACECOM HQ Decision to ‘Far-Left’ Politics In a recent statement, Alabama State Representative Mike Rogers attributed the...

Senator Lummis Calls for Congressional Action on Crypto Regulation Cryptocurrencies have gained significant popularity and adoption in recent years, with...

The Unprecedented Stock Surge of GameStop: Exploring the Journey from Meme to Movie and the Role of ‘Dumb Money’ In...

US Congressman Ro Khanna has reported progress on a jet engine deal with India ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s...

Circle, a leading global financial technology firm, is set to participate in a US Congressional Committee hearing on stablecoin payments...