
Thompson Emphasizes the Need for Continued Growth in Space Force Budget to Sustain Its Mission The United States Space Force,...

Ohio Congressman Plans to Introduce Federal Cannabis Legalization Bill In a groundbreaking move, Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan has announced his...

Wittman expresses reservations about Air Force’s proposal to expedite programs Congressman Rob Wittman, a senior member of the House Armed...

Rogers Urges Pentagon Inspector General to Investigate Space Command Basing Decision In a recent development, Representative Mike Rogers has called...

Shaw Urges Investigation and Bipartisan Agreement on Community-Driven Withdrawal In recent times, the topic of community-driven withdrawal has gained significant...

The Historical Significance of “Moderate Republicans” in American Politics Throughout American history, the Republican Party has been home to a...

Brazilian Lawmaker Seeks to Question Binance’s General Manager, Adding to the Company’s Legal Troubles Binance, one of the world’s largest...

Congressman advocates for accelerated drone testing and fielding to address inventory shortage The use of drones has become increasingly popular...

Congressman Tom Emmer, a Republican from Minnesota, has proposed a new bill called the Securities Clarity Act. The bill aims...

US Congressman Ro Khanna has reported progress on a jet engine deal with India ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s...

On July 22, 2021, Signature Bank, a New York-based financial institution, sent a message to its clients in the cryptocurrency...

Psychedelics have been a topic of controversy for decades, with many people advocating for their legalization and others vehemently opposing...

Recently, documents were released that shed light on the murder of a ranchhand who worked for Kansas Congressman Kevin Yoder....