
The EdSurge News Report on an Impending Crisis In recent years, the field of education has been undergoing significant changes...

Aperture Education Recognizes 15 Districts and 19 New York City Schools for their Dedication to Social-Emotional Learning Social-emotional learning (SEL)...

Mary Beth Brosnihan: A Rising Star in the World of Private Equity In the male-dominated world of finance, Mary Beth...

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the intersection of power, privilege, and disability laws in education....

EdSurge News, a leading education technology news outlet, has announced the winner of its top prize for journalism on low...

The New Mexico Destinations Career Academy’s Class of 2023 recently celebrated their graduation with a virtual ceremony hosted by Stride...

Virtual schools have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic forcing many students to learn from...

Career and Technical Education (CTE) is a type of education that focuses on providing students with the necessary skills and...

The Learning Leapfrog is an innovative approach to education that has been implemented in Liberia and Sierra Leone. This approach...

For years, there has been a growing concern about the unfairness in the school finance system. The current system is...

The ‘Growing Your Own’ pipeline for special education teachers is a program designed to address the shortage of qualified special...

Florida has always been known for its sunny beaches, theme parks, and warm weather. However, the state has also been...

The rising cost of college tuition has made it increasingly difficult for students to afford a traditional college education. Fortunately,...