Txozin, the young and talented Brazilian player, has been confirmed to continue as a member of MIBR’s starting roster. This...

The BLAST.tv Paris Major Challengers Stage is one of the most anticipated events in the world of esports. This event...

The Paris Major 2023 is one of the most anticipated events in the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO) community. It is...

The Intel Extreme Masters (IEM) is one of the most prestigious esports tournaments in the world, featuring top teams from...

IEM Rio 2023 is one of the most anticipated esports events of the year, and fans are eagerly waiting for...

The BLAST Premier Spring American Showdown is one of the most anticipated esports events of the year. It features some...

The VCT 2023 Lock//In São Paulo Grand Final is just around the corner and it promises to be an exciting...

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO) is one of the most popular esports titles in the world. The ESL Pro League 17...

The ESL Pro League Season 17 CS:GO tournament is underway, and Group B is packed with some of the top...

The VCT 2023 Lock//In São Paulo Semi-Finals are quickly approaching and the betting odds are already out. With a prize...