mobile device management

Sotera Digital, a leading cybersecurity firm, recently conducted a survey on mobile phone security in the workplace, and the findings...

As we enter a new year, it is crucial for businesses to evaluate their IT infrastructure and ensure they have...

The Vatican, the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church, has recently enhanced its security measures for the Pope through the...

The Vatican, the smallest independent state in the world, has recently implemented a new security measure to enhance the safety...

The Vatican has recently made a move to enhance the security of the Pope by implementing a new system called...

The Vatican, the smallest country in the world, is home to the leader of the Catholic Church, the Pope. As...

The Vatican has recently implemented a new security system known as Mobile Device Management (MDM) to enhance the security of...

K-12 IT leaders are on the front lines of the ever-evolving technology landscape. As such, they have a unique perspective...

Infrastructure As technology continues to evolve, K-12 IT infrastructure is becoming increasingly important for schools. IT leaders are tasked with...

As technology continues to evolve, so too does the need for increased cybersecurity. In the year 2030, seven key trends...