
Doctors in America are often faced with ethical dilemmas that can be difficult to navigate. These dilemmas can arise from...

Informed consent is a crucial aspect of medical research, especially when it comes to the use of patient data. The...

On Monday, former President Donald Trump suggested that the Republican Party should push for a default on the national debt...

In November 2021, Hollywood writers launched a strike in protest of AI tools, accusing them of being a “plagiarism machine.”...

In recent years, the use of marijuana has become increasingly accepted and even legalized in some states. This shift in...

Over the past few years, the legalization of marijuana has become a hot topic in the United States. Many states...

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing our planet today. The scientific consensus is clear: human activities,...

The legalization of recreational marijuana in Oklahoma is an issue that has been gaining traction in recent years. In 2020,...