under the influence

A Comprehensive Overview: The 7 Key Cannabis Research Studies of 2023 As the legalization of cannabis continues to gain momentum...

Long Beach, California, a vibrant coastal city known for its beautiful beaches and bustling port, has recently taken a proactive...

The Impact of Cannabis Legalization on Road Safety: No Negative Effects Observed With the increasing trend of cannabis legalization across...

Important Safety Tips for Hunting Season: Drugs.com MedNews As hunting season approaches, it is crucial to prioritize safety to ensure...

Important Information about Mouth Swab Drug Tests for Marijuana Drug testing has become a common practice in many workplaces, schools,...

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. For many people, it’s also a time to relax...

Understanding the Causes of the Drunchies Phenomenon Following Alcohol Consumption After a night of drinking, many people experience an intense...

A Study Conducted by Swedish Researchers Investigating the Impact of LSD and Ketamine on Rats In recent years, there has...

The Reason Behind Napoleon Bonaparte’s Ban on Cannabis: Addressing the Issue of Soldiers’ Excessive Intoxication Napoleon Bonaparte, one of history’s...

As the holiday season approaches, many people are looking for ways to enhance their festive experiences. One increasingly popular method...

Get Prepared for Green Wednesday Green Wednesday, also known as Weed Wednesday or Cannabis Christmas, is a term used to...

Flight Attendants Exceed Alcohol Limits During Routine Check at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, one of Europe’s busiest airports,...

Flight attendants discovered to have exceeded alcohol limits during routine check at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport In a recent incident at...

Is Diplo a Weed Smoker? Diplo, whose real name is Thomas Wesley Pentz, is a well-known American DJ, record producer,...

Scott Gray, a Republican representative from New York, has recently proposed a bill that aims to ban cannabis billboards in...