{"id":2422763,"date":"2023-03-07T08:57:11","date_gmt":"2023-03-07T13:57:11","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/xlera8.com\/fda-clears-rewalk-personal-exoskeleton-for-use-on-stairs-and-curbs\/"},"modified":"2023-03-19T15:35:12","modified_gmt":"2023-03-19T19:35:12","slug":"fda-clears-rewalk-personal-exoskeleton-for-use-on-stairs-and-curbs","status":"publish","type":"platowire","link":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/fda-clears-rewalk-personal-exoskeleton-for-use-on-stairs-and-curbs\/","title":{"rendered":"FDA Clears ReWalk Personal Exoskeleton for Use on Stairs and Curbs"},"content":{"rendered":"

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently cleared the ReWalk Personal Exoskeleton for use on stairs and curbs. This is a major breakthrough for people with lower limb disabilities, as it gives them the ability to walk independently.<\/p>\n

The ReWalk Personal Exoskeleton is a robotic device that is worn around the legs and torso. It is designed to help people with lower limb disabilities walk independently. The device is powered by a rechargeable battery and is controlled by a wireless remote control. The exoskeleton is designed to provide stability and support while walking, and it can also be used to climb stairs and navigate curbs.<\/p>\n

The FDA clearance of the ReWalk Personal Exoskeleton marks a major milestone in the development of assistive technology for people with lower limb disabilities. The device has been tested extensively and has been found to be safe and effective for use on stairs and curbs. The device has also been found to improve mobility, balance, and quality of life for users.<\/p>\n

The ReWalk Personal Exoskeleton is an exciting new technology that could revolutionize the lives of people with lower limb disabilities. It gives them the freedom to move around independently, and it can help them regain their independence and quality of life. The FDA clearance of the device is a major step forward in the development of assistive technology, and it could open up new possibilities for people with lower limb disabilities.<\/p>\n