{"id":2518141,"date":"2023-03-16T23:10:41","date_gmt":"2023-03-16T23:10:41","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/how-have-patch-13-5-nerfs-affected-the-playability-of-ap-twitch\/"},"modified":"2023-03-19T16:44:13","modified_gmt":"2023-03-19T20:44:13","slug":"how-have-patch-13-5-nerfs-affected-the-playability-of-ap-twitch","status":"publish","type":"platowire","link":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/how-have-patch-13-5-nerfs-affected-the-playability-of-ap-twitch\/","title":{"rendered":"How Have Patch 13.5 Nerfs Affected the Playability of AP Twitch?"},"content":{"rendered":"

The recent League of Legends patch 13.5 has had a major impact on the playability of AP Twitch. This champion has been a staple in the mid lane for many seasons, but the nerfs have made it much more difficult to play. <\/p>\n

The most significant nerf to AP Twitch was a reduction in the damage of his Q ability, Spray and Pray. This ability was the primary source of damage for AP Twitch, and its damage reduction has made it much harder for him to secure kills in the mid lane. In addition, his W ability, Contaminate, has had its cooldown increased from 10 seconds to 14 seconds. This makes it much harder for AP Twitch players to use Contaminate to clear minion waves quickly and efficiently. <\/p>\n

The nerfs to AP Twitch have also had an effect on his late game potential. His ultimate ability, Rat-Ta-Tat-Tat, has had its damage reduced significantly. This means that AP Twitch players will have a much harder time dealing damage in teamfights and securing kills in the late game. <\/p>\n

Overall, the nerfs to AP Twitch have made him much less viable in the mid lane. He is still a viable pick in certain situations, but his playability has been significantly reduced. Players who want to play AP Twitch will need to adjust their playstyle and focus on farming and waveclear instead of trying to secure kills in the mid lane. <\/p>\n

Ultimately, the nerfs to AP Twitch have made him a less viable pick in the mid lane. Players who want to play him will need to adjust their playstyle and focus on farming and waveclear instead of trying to secure kills in the mid lane. With the right adjustments, AP Twitch can still be a strong pick in certain situations, but his playability has been significantly reduced.<\/p>\n