{"id":2529224,"date":"2023-03-27T06:55:07","date_gmt":"2023-03-27T10:55:07","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/a-comprehensive-guide-to-dota-2s-bounty-hunter-maximizing-bonus-gold-from-kills\/"},"modified":"2023-03-27T06:55:07","modified_gmt":"2023-03-27T10:55:07","slug":"a-comprehensive-guide-to-dota-2s-bounty-hunter-maximizing-bonus-gold-from-kills","status":"publish","type":"platowire","link":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/a-comprehensive-guide-to-dota-2s-bounty-hunter-maximizing-bonus-gold-from-kills\/","title":{"rendered":"A Comprehensive Guide to Dota 2’s Bounty Hunter: Maximizing Bonus Gold from Kills"},"content":{"rendered":"

Dota 2 is a game that requires a lot of strategy and skill to master. One of the most important aspects of the game is earning gold, which is used to buy items and improve your hero’s abilities. One hero that excels at earning gold is Bounty Hunter. In this guide, we will explore how to maximize bonus gold from kills with Bounty Hunter.<\/p>\n

Bounty Hunter’s abilities<\/p>\n

Before we dive into how to maximize bonus gold, let’s take a look at Bounty Hunter’s abilities. His first ability is Shuriken Toss, which deals damage and mini-stuns the target. His second ability is Jinada, which deals bonus damage and slows the target. His third ability is Shadow Walk, which turns Bounty Hunter invisible and increases his movement speed. Finally, his ultimate ability is Track, which reveals and slows the target, and grants bonus gold to Bounty Hunter and his allies when the target is killed.<\/p>\n

Maximizing bonus gold<\/p>\n

Now that we know Bounty Hunter’s abilities, let’s talk about how to maximize bonus gold from kills. The first thing you should do is prioritize targets that have not been tracked yet. When you use Track on a target, you and your allies will receive bonus gold when that target is killed. However, if the target has already been tracked by someone else, you will not receive any bonus gold.<\/p>\n

Another way to maximize bonus gold is to use Jinada and Shuriken Toss in combination with Track. Jinada deals bonus damage and slows the target, making it easier for you and your allies to kill them. Shuriken Toss deals damage and mini-stuns the target, interrupting their abilities and making it harder for them to escape.<\/p>\n

In addition to using your abilities effectively, you should also focus on farming creeps and neutral camps. The more gold you have, the more items you can buy to improve your hero’s abilities. You should also try to gank enemy heroes whenever possible, as this will not only earn you bonus gold but also help your team gain an advantage.<\/p>\n

Finally, it’s important to communicate with your team and coordinate your efforts. Let your teammates know when you have tracked a target, so they can focus on killing them and earning bonus gold. Work together to take down enemy towers and secure objectives, which will give you even more gold and experience.<\/p>\n


Bounty Hunter is a hero that excels at earning gold in Dota 2. By using his abilities effectively, farming creeps and neutral camps, ganking enemy heroes, and coordinating with your team, you can maximize bonus gold from kills and gain an advantage over your opponents. Remember to prioritize targets that have not been tracked yet, use Jinada and Shuriken Toss in combination with Track, and communicate with your team to achieve victory. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Bounty Hunter and dominating your opponents in Dota 2.<\/p>\n