{"id":2541508,"date":"2023-05-12T09:33:31","date_gmt":"2023-05-12T13:33:31","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/how-generative-ai-is-dramatically-impacting-the-space-industry-an-op-ed\/"},"modified":"2023-05-12T09:33:31","modified_gmt":"2023-05-12T13:33:31","slug":"how-generative-ai-is-dramatically-impacting-the-space-industry-an-op-ed","status":"publish","type":"platowire","link":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/how-generative-ai-is-dramatically-impacting-the-space-industry-an-op-ed\/","title":{"rendered":"How Generative AI is Dramatically Impacting the Space Industry: An Op-Ed"},"content":{"rendered":"

The space industry has always been at the forefront of technological advancements, pushing the boundaries of what is possible and exploring the unknown. With the advent of generative artificial intelligence (AI), the industry is poised to make even greater strides in the coming years.<\/p>\n

Generative AI refers to a type of machine learning that involves creating new data based on existing data. This technology has already been used in a variety of industries, from music and art to fashion and gaming. However, its potential impact on the space industry is particularly exciting.<\/p>\n

One of the most significant ways that generative AI is impacting the space industry is through its ability to analyze vast amounts of data. Space exploration generates an enormous amount of data, from satellite imagery to telemetry data from spacecraft. Analyzing this data can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive process, but generative AI can help automate much of this work.<\/p>\n

For example, NASA has been using generative AI to analyze data from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The spacecraft has been orbiting Mars since 2006, collecting data on the planet’s surface and atmosphere. However, analyzing this data has been a slow and tedious process. By using generative AI, NASA has been able to speed up this process significantly, allowing scientists to make new discoveries about Mars more quickly.<\/p>\n

Another way that generative AI is impacting the space industry is through its ability to design new spacecraft and technologies. Traditionally, spacecraft design has been a highly iterative process, with engineers creating multiple designs and testing them until they find one that works. However, generative AI can help streamline this process by generating thousands of designs and testing them virtually.<\/p>\n

This approach has already been used by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) to design a new antenna for a spacecraft. The JPL team used generative AI to generate thousands of designs for the antenna, which were then tested virtually. The team was able to identify the best design in a matter of weeks, a process that would have taken months or even years using traditional methods.<\/p>\n

Finally, generative AI is also impacting the space industry by helping to automate tasks that are too dangerous or difficult for humans to perform. For example, NASA is using generative AI to help control its Mars rovers. The rovers are controlled remotely from Earth, but the time delay between sending a command and receiving a response can be up to 20 minutes. This makes it difficult to control the rovers in real-time, especially when they are navigating difficult terrain.<\/p>\n

By using generative AI, NASA is able to automate some of the rover’s tasks, such as identifying and avoiding obstacles. This allows the rovers to operate more efficiently and safely, without putting human operators at risk.<\/p>\n

In conclusion, generative AI is dramatically impacting the space industry in a variety of ways. From analyzing vast amounts of data to designing new spacecraft and automating dangerous tasks, this technology is helping to push the boundaries of what is possible in space exploration. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect even greater advancements in the years to come.<\/p>\n