{"id":2544818,"date":"2023-06-06T09:19:23","date_gmt":"2023-06-06T13:19:23","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/world-news-report-industrial-humanitys-collapse-imminent-according-to-new-book-discussed-in-medical-marijuana-program-connection\/"},"modified":"2023-06-06T09:19:23","modified_gmt":"2023-06-06T13:19:23","slug":"world-news-report-industrial-humanitys-collapse-imminent-according-to-new-book-discussed-in-medical-marijuana-program-connection","status":"publish","type":"platowire","link":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/world-news-report-industrial-humanitys-collapse-imminent-according-to-new-book-discussed-in-medical-marijuana-program-connection\/","title":{"rendered":"“World News Report: Industrial Humanity’s Collapse Imminent, According to New Book Discussed in Medical Marijuana Program Connection”"},"content":{"rendered":"

A new book has been making waves in the medical marijuana community, as it discusses the imminent collapse of industrial humanity. The book, titled “The End of the World as We Know It: A Guide to the Coming Collapse,” is written by author and activist Derrick Jensen.<\/p>\n

Jensen argues that industrial society is unsustainable and that its collapse is inevitable. He points to a number of factors that contribute to this, including climate change, resource depletion, and overpopulation. According to Jensen, these issues are interconnected and cannot be solved through technological solutions or political reforms.<\/p>\n

The book has been discussed in a number of medical marijuana programs, as many advocates for the drug see it as a potential solution to some of the problems outlined by Jensen. Medical marijuana is seen as a more sustainable and natural alternative to pharmaceutical drugs, which often have negative environmental impacts.<\/p>\n

Jensen’s book has also been praised for its focus on community building and local solutions. He argues that individuals and communities must take action to prepare for the collapse of industrial society, rather than relying on governments or corporations to solve the problem.<\/p>\n

While some may view Jensen’s predictions as extreme or alarmist, there is no denying that the issues he raises are pressing concerns for our planet. Climate change is already causing devastating effects around the world, from wildfires to hurricanes to droughts. Resource depletion is also a serious issue, as we continue to consume natural resources at an unsustainable rate.<\/p>\n

Medical marijuana advocates may see the drug as a potential solution to some of these problems, but it is important to remember that it is not a panacea. While it may have benefits for certain medical conditions, it is not a cure-all for the larger issues facing our planet.<\/p>\n

Ultimately, Jensen’s book serves as a wake-up call for all of us. We must take action to address the problems facing our planet, whether through individual actions or collective efforts. The collapse of industrial society may be imminent, but it is not inevitable. By working together, we can create a more sustainable and just world for future generations.<\/p>\n