{"id":2545148,"date":"2023-06-04T21:08:27","date_gmt":"2023-06-05T01:08:27","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/effective-counters-for-ranged-heroes-in-the-7-33c-patch-a-comprehensive-guide\/"},"modified":"2023-06-04T21:08:27","modified_gmt":"2023-06-05T01:08:27","slug":"effective-counters-for-ranged-heroes-in-the-7-33c-patch-a-comprehensive-guide","status":"publish","type":"platowire","link":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/effective-counters-for-ranged-heroes-in-the-7-33c-patch-a-comprehensive-guide\/","title":{"rendered":"Effective Counters for Ranged Heroes in the 7.33C Patch: A Comprehensive Guide"},"content":{"rendered":"

In the world of Dota 2, ranged heroes are a force to be reckoned with. They have the ability to deal damage from a distance, making them a valuable asset in any team composition. However, with the recent 7.33C patch, some of these ranged heroes have become even more powerful. This has led to an increase in their popularity, and as a result, players are looking for effective counters to deal with them. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to counter ranged heroes in the 7.33C patch.<\/p>\n

1. Pick a hero with gap-closing abilities<\/p>\n

One of the most effective ways to counter ranged heroes is to pick a hero with gap-closing abilities. These abilities allow you to quickly close the distance between you and the enemy hero, making it difficult for them to kite you. Heroes like Anti-Mage, Phantom Assassin, and Slark are great examples of heroes with gap-closing abilities. They can quickly close the distance between themselves and the enemy hero, making it difficult for the ranged hero to escape.<\/p>\n

2. Build items that increase your mobility<\/p>\n

Another effective way to counter ranged heroes is to build items that increase your mobility. Items like Blink Dagger, Force Staff, and Shadow Blade can help you quickly close the distance between yourself and the enemy hero. This can make it difficult for the ranged hero to kite you, as they will have less time to react.<\/p>\n

3. Pick a hero with high burst damage<\/p>\n

Ranged heroes are often squishy and have low health pools. This makes them vulnerable to heroes with high burst damage. Heroes like Lina, Lion, and Zeus are great examples of heroes with high burst damage. They can quickly take down a ranged hero before they have a chance to react.<\/p>\n

4. Build items that increase your survivability<\/p>\n

Ranged heroes often rely on their ability to kite their opponents. This means that they will try to keep their distance from you and whittle down your health over time. To counter this, you can build items that increase your survivability. Items like Black King Bar, Heaven’s Halberd, and Blade Mail can help you survive longer in fights, giving you more time to close the distance and take down the ranged hero.<\/p>\n

5. Pick a hero with crowd control abilities<\/p>\n

Finally, picking a hero with crowd control abilities can be an effective way to counter ranged heroes. Crowd control abilities like stuns, slows, and silences can make it difficult for the ranged hero to kite you. Heroes like Earthshaker, Sand King, and Puck are great examples of heroes with crowd control abilities. They can quickly disable the ranged hero, making it easier for you to close the distance and take them down.<\/p>\n

In conclusion, there are many effective ways to counter ranged heroes in the 7.33C patch. Picking a hero with gap-closing abilities, building items that increase your mobility and survivability, picking a hero with high burst damage, and picking a hero with crowd control abilities are all great ways to deal with ranged heroes. By using these strategies, you can turn the tables on your opponents and come out on top in any fight.<\/p>\n