{"id":2547091,"date":"2023-07-06T16:49:00","date_gmt":"2023-07-06T20:49:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/jonathan-krinsky-of-btig-states-that-reits-are-starting-to-reverse-the-18-month-decline\/"},"modified":"2023-07-06T16:49:00","modified_gmt":"2023-07-06T20:49:00","slug":"jonathan-krinsky-of-btig-states-that-reits-are-starting-to-reverse-the-18-month-decline","status":"publish","type":"platowire","link":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/jonathan-krinsky-of-btig-states-that-reits-are-starting-to-reverse-the-18-month-decline\/","title":{"rendered":"Jonathan Krinsky of BTIG states that REITs are starting to reverse the 18-month decline."},"content":{"rendered":"


After a prolonged period of decline, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are finally showing signs of a reversal, according to Jonathan Krinsky, Chief Market Technician at BTIG. This news comes as a relief to investors who have been witnessing a downward trend in the REIT market for the past 18 months.<\/p>\n

REITs are companies that own, operate, or finance income-generating real estate. They allow individual investors to invest in large-scale, income-producing real estate properties such as shopping malls, office buildings, and apartment complexes. These investments provide regular income streams and potential capital appreciation.<\/p>\n

The decline in REITs over the past year and a half can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, rising interest rates have made other investment options, such as bonds, more attractive to investors seeking stable income. As interest rates increase, the cost of borrowing for REITs also rises, potentially impacting their profitability.<\/p>\n

Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the real estate market as a whole. Lockdowns and social distancing measures have led to reduced foot traffic in commercial properties, resulting in lower rental incomes for REITs. The uncertainty surrounding the pandemic has also made investors cautious about investing in real estate.<\/p>\n

However, Jonathan Krinsky believes that the tide is turning for REITs. He points out that since the beginning of 2021, there has been a notable shift in market sentiment towards these investments. This change can be attributed to several factors.<\/p>\n

Firstly, the successful rollout of COVID-19 vaccines has brought hope for a return to normalcy. As economies reopen and restrictions ease, commercial properties are expected to see increased occupancy rates and higher rental incomes. This positive outlook has sparked renewed interest in REITs.<\/p>\n

Furthermore, the Federal Reserve’s commitment to keeping interest rates low for the foreseeable future has also played a role in boosting investor confidence in REITs. With the cost of borrowing expected to remain low, REITs can continue to finance their operations and potentially expand their portfolios.<\/p>\n

Another factor contributing to the reversal of the decline in REITs is the overall improvement in the real estate market. As the economy recovers, demand for real estate is expected to increase, leading to higher property values and rental rates. This favorable market environment bodes well for REITs, as they can benefit from capital appreciation and increased rental incomes.<\/p>\n

However, it is important to note that while the outlook for REITs is improving, there are still risks involved. The pace of economic recovery and the potential for new COVID-19 variants could impact the real estate market and subsequently affect REITs. Investors should carefully assess their risk tolerance and conduct thorough research before investing in this sector.<\/p>\n

In conclusion, Jonathan Krinsky’s observation that REITs are starting to reverse their 18-month decline brings hope to investors in this sector. Factors such as the successful vaccine rollout, low interest rates, and an improving real estate market have contributed to this positive shift. However, investors should remain cautious and conduct their due diligence before making any investment decisions.<\/p>\n