{"id":2548563,"date":"2023-06-28T11:20:56","date_gmt":"2023-06-28T15:20:56","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/integration-of-liquiditybooks-oems-with-ice-etf-hub-provides-improved-access-to-etf-primary-market-liquidity\/"},"modified":"2023-06-28T11:20:56","modified_gmt":"2023-06-28T15:20:56","slug":"integration-of-liquiditybooks-oems-with-ice-etf-hub-provides-improved-access-to-etf-primary-market-liquidity","status":"publish","type":"platowire","link":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/integration-of-liquiditybooks-oems-with-ice-etf-hub-provides-improved-access-to-etf-primary-market-liquidity\/","title":{"rendered":"Integration of LiquidityBook\u2019s OEMS with ICE ETF Hub provides improved access to ETF primary market liquidity"},"content":{"rendered":"


LiquidityBook, a leading provider of trading and portfolio management solutions, has recently announced the integration of its Order and Execution Management System (OEMS) with ICE ETF Hub. This integration is set to provide improved access to ETF primary market liquidity for institutional investors.<\/p>\n

ETFs, or Exchange-Traded Funds, have gained significant popularity in recent years due to their flexibility and diversification benefits. These investment vehicles allow investors to gain exposure to a wide range of asset classes, including equities, fixed income, commodities, and more. However, accessing liquidity in the primary market for ETFs has traditionally been a challenge for institutional investors.<\/p>\n

The primary market for ETFs refers to the creation and redemption process, where authorized participants (APs) can create or redeem ETF shares directly with the fund issuer. This process involves the exchange of underlying securities for ETF shares or vice versa. Liquidity in the primary market is crucial as it ensures that investors can efficiently buy or sell ETF shares at fair prices.<\/p>\n

By integrating LiquidityBook’s OEMS with ICE ETF Hub, institutional investors will now have improved access to primary market liquidity for ETFs. ICE ETF Hub is a centralized platform that connects APs, issuers, and other market participants, facilitating the creation and redemption process.<\/p>\n

This integration will enable LiquidityBook’s clients to seamlessly access ICE ETF Hub’s network of APs and issuers, streamlining the creation and redemption process. This means that institutional investors can more efficiently trade ETFs in the primary market, benefiting from improved liquidity and potentially better execution prices.<\/p>\n

Furthermore, the integration will provide institutional investors with enhanced transparency and control over their ETF trading activities. LiquidityBook’s OEMS offers advanced trading tools and analytics, allowing users to monitor and analyze their ETF trades in real-time. This enables investors to make more informed trading decisions and optimize their execution strategies.<\/p>\n

The integration of LiquidityBook’s OEMS with ICE ETF Hub also aligns with the industry’s increasing focus on automation and digitization. By leveraging technology, institutional investors can streamline their trading workflows, reduce operational risks, and enhance overall efficiency.<\/p>\n

Institutional investors will also benefit from the broader range of ETFs available on ICE ETF Hub. The platform supports a wide variety of ETFs, including equity, fixed income, and commodity-based funds. This means that investors can access a diverse range of investment opportunities and tailor their portfolios to meet specific investment objectives.<\/p>\n

Overall, the integration of LiquidityBook’s OEMS with ICE ETF Hub represents a significant development in the ETF trading landscape. Institutional investors can now enjoy improved access to primary market liquidity, enhanced transparency, and greater control over their ETF trading activities. This integration aligns with the industry’s ongoing efforts to leverage technology and automation to optimize trading workflows and deliver better outcomes for investors.<\/p>\n