{"id":2551684,"date":"2023-06-22T06:33:11","date_gmt":"2023-06-22T10:33:11","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/a-comprehensive-guide-to-playing-ogre-magi-in-dota-2\/"},"modified":"2023-06-22T06:33:11","modified_gmt":"2023-06-22T10:33:11","slug":"a-comprehensive-guide-to-playing-ogre-magi-in-dota-2","status":"publish","type":"platowire","link":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/a-comprehensive-guide-to-playing-ogre-magi-in-dota-2\/","title":{"rendered":"A Comprehensive Guide to Playing Ogre Magi in Dota 2"},"content":{"rendered":"


Ogre Magi is a versatile hero in Dota 2 that can be played in various roles, including support, offlane, and even as a carry. This hero is known for his high health pool, decent armor, and the ability to cast multiple spells at once. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss everything you need to know about playing Ogre Magi in Dota 2.<\/p>\n


Ogre Magi has four abilities that make him a formidable hero in Dota 2. These abilities are:<\/p>\n

1. Fireblast: This is Ogre Magi’s primary stun ability. It deals damage and stuns the target for a short duration. The stun duration increases with the level of the ability.<\/p>\n

2. Ignite: This ability slows down the enemy and deals damage over time. It also reduces their attack speed and movement speed.<\/p>\n

3. Bloodlust: This ability increases the attack speed and movement speed of an allied hero or unit. It also provides bonus health regeneration.<\/p>\n

4. Multicast: This is Ogre Magi’s ultimate ability. It allows him to cast his other abilities multiple times in quick succession. The number of times he can cast each ability increases with the level of the ultimate.<\/p>\n

Item Build<\/p>\n

The item build for Ogre Magi depends on the role you are playing. If you are playing as a support, you should focus on buying items that can help your team, such as wards, smoke of deceit, and courier. You should also consider buying items that can increase your mana pool and mana regeneration, such as Arcane Boots and Magic Wand.<\/p>\n

If you are playing as an offlaner or carry, you should focus on buying items that can increase your damage output and survivability. Items like Phase Boots, Armlet of Mordiggian, and Black King Bar are great choices for Ogre Magi.<\/p>\n


Ogre Magi is a hero that requires a lot of aggression in the early game. You should try to harass the enemy heroes with your Ignite ability and secure kills with your Fireblast. In the mid-game, you should focus on supporting your team by using Bloodlust on your carry or initiating team fights with your stun abilities.<\/p>\n

In the late game, Ogre Magi can become a formidable force with his Multicast ability. You should try to use this ability to stun multiple enemies at once and deal massive damage. However, you should also be careful not to waste your abilities and mana, as Ogre Magi can quickly run out of mana if he is not managed properly.<\/p>\n


Ogre Magi is a versatile hero in Dota 2 that can be played in various roles. He is known for his high health pool, decent armor, and the ability to cast multiple spells at once. To play Ogre Magi effectively, you should focus on being aggressive in the early game, supporting your team in the mid-game, and using your Multicast ability to deal massive damage in the late game. With the right item build and playstyle, Ogre Magi can become a formidable force on the battlefield.<\/p>\n