{"id":2551824,"date":"2023-07-16T09:13:33","date_gmt":"2023-07-16T13:13:33","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/a-comprehensive-guide-to-playing-kunkka-in-dota-2\/"},"modified":"2023-07-16T09:13:33","modified_gmt":"2023-07-16T13:13:33","slug":"a-comprehensive-guide-to-playing-kunkka-in-dota-2","status":"publish","type":"platowire","link":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/a-comprehensive-guide-to-playing-kunkka-in-dota-2\/","title":{"rendered":"A Comprehensive Guide to Playing Kunkka in Dota 2"},"content":{"rendered":"


A Comprehensive Guide to Playing Kunkka in Dota 2<\/p>\n


Kunkka, the Admiral of the Sea, is a versatile hero in Dota 2 known for his ability to control the battlefield and deal massive damage. With his arsenal of spells and unique playstyle, Kunkka can be a formidable force in the hands of a skilled player. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of playing Kunkka and provide tips and strategies to help you master this hero.<\/p>\n

1. Hero Overview:<\/p>\n

Kunkka is a melee strength hero who excels in both physical and magical damage. His primary attribute is strength, making him naturally tanky and durable. Kunkka’s abilities revolve around his control over water, allowing him to manipulate the tides of battle and unleash devastating attacks.<\/p>\n

2. Abilities:<\/p>\n

a) Torrent: Kunkka summons a torrent of water that damages and stuns enemies in a targeted area. This ability is great for initiating fights or interrupting enemy channels. It can also be used to secure last hits on creeps or harass opponents in the laning phase.<\/p>\n

b) Tidebringer: Kunkka’s signature ability, Tidebringer empowers his next attack, causing it to cleave and deal bonus damage to nearby enemies. This ability is excellent for farming creeps and harassing opponents in lane. Mastering the timing of Tidebringer is crucial for maximizing its effectiveness.<\/p>\n

c) X Marks the Spot: This ability allows Kunkka to mark a target, temporarily sending them back to their original location after a few seconds. X Marks the Spot can be used defensively to save allies or offensively to set up kills. Combining it with Torrent or Ghostship can create deadly combos.<\/p>\n

d) Ghostship: Kunkka summons a ghostly ship that crashes into the battlefield, damaging and stunning enemies in its path. Ghostship also provides a buff to allies, reducing incoming damage and granting movement speed. This ultimate ability is a game-changer in team fights and can turn the tide of battle in your favor.<\/p>\n

3. Laning Phase:<\/p>\n

During the laning phase, Kunkka can be played in various roles, including mid, offlane, or even as a support. In mid lane, focus on farming and harassing your opponent with Tidebringer. Use Torrent to secure ranged creeps and harass enemies when they are out of position. In the offlane, use Tidebringer to farm safely and control the creep equilibrium. As a support, prioritize harassing enemies with Tidebringer and Torrent while providing vision and utility for your team.<\/p>\n

4. Itemization:<\/p>\n

Kunkka benefits from items that enhance his survivability, damage output, and utility. Some core items for Kunkka include:<\/p>\n

– Phase Boots: Provides increased movement speed and attack damage, allowing Kunkka to chase down enemies or escape dangerous situations.<\/p>\n

– Shadow Blade: Offers invisibility and bonus damage, enabling Kunkka to initiate fights or escape from ganks.<\/p>\n

– Daedalus: Amplifies Kunkka’s critical strike damage, making his attacks even more devastating.<\/p>\n

– Black King Bar: Grants magic immunity, protecting Kunkka from crowd control and allowing him to freely engage in team fights.<\/p>\n

5. Team Fights and Combos:<\/p>\n

Kunkka’s impact in team fights is immense. Use X Marks the Spot on key enemy heroes to isolate them from their team. Follow up with Torrent to disable them further and deal damage. Finally, unleash Ghostship to stun multiple enemies and provide a damage reduction buff to your team. Combining these abilities effectively can turn the tide of battle in your favor.<\/p>\n


Playing Kunkka requires a good understanding of his abilities, timing, and positioning. With practice and experience, you can become a formidable force on the battlefield, controlling the tides of battle and dealing massive damage. Remember to communicate with your team, coordinate your abilities, and adapt your itemization to the game’s needs. Good luck, and may the seas be in your favor!<\/p>\n