{"id":2561547,"date":"2023-08-23T06:18:08","date_gmt":"2023-08-23T10:18:08","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/insights-on-mega-funds-corrupted-vc-embarrassing-rifs-for-saas-founders-and-the-truth-about-pitching-a-discussion-with-jason-lemkin-and-rick-zullo-20vc\/"},"modified":"2023-08-23T06:18:08","modified_gmt":"2023-08-23T10:18:08","slug":"insights-on-mega-funds-corrupted-vc-embarrassing-rifs-for-saas-founders-and-the-truth-about-pitching-a-discussion-with-jason-lemkin-and-rick-zullo-20vc","status":"publish","type":"platowire","link":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/insights-on-mega-funds-corrupted-vc-embarrassing-rifs-for-saas-founders-and-the-truth-about-pitching-a-discussion-with-jason-lemkin-and-rick-zullo-20vc\/","title":{"rendered":"Insights on Mega Funds, Corrupted VC, Embarrassing RIFs for SaaS Founders, and the Truth about Pitching: A Discussion with Jason Lemkin and Rick Zullo \u2013 20VC"},"content":{"rendered":"


In the fast-paced world of venture capital, there are always new trends and insights emerging. Recently, Jason Lemkin, the founder of SaaStr, and Rick Zullo, a partner at Lightbank, sat down for a discussion on several hot topics in the industry. From mega funds to corrupted VC practices, embarrassing RIFs for SaaS founders, and the truth about pitching, this conversation shed light on some important issues facing entrepreneurs and investors alike.<\/p>\n

One of the first topics discussed was the rise of mega funds in the venture capital space. Mega funds are typically defined as funds with over $1 billion in assets under management. Lemkin expressed his concerns about these funds, stating that they often have a different set of expectations and priorities compared to smaller funds. He argued that mega funds tend to focus more on financial returns rather than supporting the long-term growth and success of the companies they invest in.<\/p>\n

Zullo agreed with Lemkin’s assessment, adding that mega funds can sometimes put undue pressure on founders to achieve unrealistic growth targets. He emphasized the importance of finding investors who align with the company’s vision and values, rather than simply chasing the biggest check.<\/p>\n

The conversation then shifted to the topic of corrupted VC practices. Lemkin and Zullo both acknowledged that there are instances where unethical behavior occurs within the industry. They stressed the importance of due diligence when choosing investors and advised founders to seek out references and do their research before accepting funding.<\/p>\n

Lemkin also highlighted the need for transparency and accountability within the venture capital community. He suggested that founders should share their experiences with investors openly, creating a network of information that can help others avoid potentially harmful situations.<\/p>\n

Next, the discussion turned to embarrassing RIFs (Reduction in Force) for SaaS founders. Lemkin shared his personal experience of having to lay off a significant portion of his team during a challenging period for his company. He admitted that it was a difficult and embarrassing decision to make, but ultimately necessary for the survival of the business.<\/p>\n

Zullo echoed Lemkin’s sentiments, emphasizing that RIFs are often a painful but unavoidable part of the startup journey. He advised founders to be transparent with their team and communicate openly about the challenges they are facing. By doing so, founders can maintain trust and support from their employees during difficult times.<\/p>\n

Finally, Lemkin and Zullo discussed the truth about pitching. Lemkin stressed the importance of having a clear and compelling story when pitching to investors. He advised founders to focus on the problem they are solving, the market opportunity, and their unique value proposition.<\/p>\n

Zullo added that founders should also be prepared to answer tough questions and address potential concerns that investors may have. He emphasized the importance of being honest and transparent during the pitching process, as investors appreciate founders who are realistic about the challenges they face.<\/p>\n

In conclusion, the discussion between Jason Lemkin and Rick Zullo provided valuable insights into several important topics in the venture capital industry. From the rise of mega funds to corrupted VC practices, embarrassing RIFs for SaaS founders, and the truth about pitching, this conversation shed light on some of the challenges and opportunities that entrepreneurs and investors face in today’s startup ecosystem. By staying informed and aware of these issues, founders can navigate the fundraising process more effectively and build successful, sustainable businesses.<\/p>\n