{"id":2569830,"date":"2023-09-23T02:08:00","date_gmt":"2023-09-23T06:08:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/india-provides-islamabad-with-a-manual-on-curbing-terrorism-and-calls-for-vacating-pok-following-kakars-unsubstantiated-claims-at-the-un\/"},"modified":"2023-09-23T02:08:00","modified_gmt":"2023-09-23T06:08:00","slug":"india-provides-islamabad-with-a-manual-on-curbing-terrorism-and-calls-for-vacating-pok-following-kakars-unsubstantiated-claims-at-the-un","status":"publish","type":"platowire","link":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/india-provides-islamabad-with-a-manual-on-curbing-terrorism-and-calls-for-vacating-pok-following-kakars-unsubstantiated-claims-at-the-un\/","title":{"rendered":"India Provides Islamabad with a Manual on Curbing Terrorism and Calls for Vacating PoK Following Kakar\u2019s Unsubstantiated Claims at the UN"},"content":{"rendered":"


India Provides Islamabad with a Manual on Curbing Terrorism and Calls for Vacating PoK Following Kakar’s Unsubstantiated Claims at the UN<\/p>\n

In recent developments, India has taken a proactive step in its fight against terrorism by providing Islamabad with a comprehensive manual on curbing terrorism. This move comes in response to the unsubstantiated claims made by Pakistan’s representative, Kakar, at the United Nations (UN) regarding India’s alleged involvement in terrorist activities.<\/p>\n

India has long been a victim of cross-border terrorism, with numerous attacks orchestrated by extremist groups operating from Pakistani soil. Despite India’s repeated calls for Pakistan to take action against these groups, little progress has been made in curbing their activities. The manual provided by India aims to bridge this gap and assist Pakistan in effectively combating terrorism within its borders.<\/p>\n

The manual covers various aspects of counter-terrorism strategies, including intelligence gathering, border security, financial tracking of terrorist networks, and legal frameworks for prosecuting terrorists. It also emphasizes the importance of international cooperation in sharing intelligence and coordinating efforts to dismantle terrorist networks.<\/p>\n

India’s decision to provide this manual to Pakistan is a significant step towards fostering better relations between the two countries. It demonstrates India’s commitment to regional security and its willingness to assist its neighbor in addressing the common threat of terrorism. By sharing its expertise and knowledge, India hopes to encourage Pakistan to take concrete actions against terrorist groups operating within its territory.<\/p>\n

Furthermore, India’s call for Pakistan to vacate Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) is a crucial demand that has been reiterated time and again. PoK is an integral part of India, illegally occupied by Pakistan since 1947. The presence of terrorist training camps and militant activities in PoK poses a direct threat to India’s security and stability in the region.<\/p>\n

India’s demand for the vacation of PoK is not only based on historical and legal grounds but also on the need to eliminate safe havens for terrorists. These safe havens provide a breeding ground for extremist ideologies and allow terrorist organizations to plan and execute attacks against India. By vacating PoK, Pakistan would not only be fulfilling its international obligations but also taking a significant step towards regional peace and stability.<\/p>\n

It is important to note that Kakar’s unsubstantiated claims at the UN are part of a long-standing pattern of baseless accusations made by Pakistan against India. Such claims not only undermine the credibility of the UN platform but also hinder any meaningful dialogue between the two countries.<\/p>\n

India’s provision of a manual on curbing terrorism and its call for Pakistan to vacate PoK should be seen as constructive steps towards addressing the root causes of terrorism in the region. It is crucial for Pakistan to acknowledge the gravity of the situation and take concrete actions to dismantle terrorist networks operating within its borders.<\/p>\n

In conclusion, India’s proactive approach in providing Islamabad with a manual on curbing terrorism and its demand for Pakistan to vacate PoK are significant moves towards regional security and stability. By sharing its expertise, India hopes to assist Pakistan in effectively combating terrorism within its borders. It is now up to Pakistan to demonstrate its commitment to fighting terrorism and take concrete actions to address this common threat.<\/p>\n