{"id":2574091,"date":"2023-09-26T06:59:35","date_gmt":"2023-09-26T10:59:35","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/a-guide-on-resolving-the-sorry-youre-not-allowed-to-preview-drafts-error-in-rank-math\/"},"modified":"2023-09-26T06:59:35","modified_gmt":"2023-09-26T10:59:35","slug":"a-guide-on-resolving-the-sorry-youre-not-allowed-to-preview-drafts-error-in-rank-math","status":"publish","type":"platowire","link":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/a-guide-on-resolving-the-sorry-youre-not-allowed-to-preview-drafts-error-in-rank-math\/","title":{"rendered":"A Guide on Resolving the \u201cSorry, You\u2019re Not Allowed to Preview Drafts\u201d Error in Rank Math"},"content":{"rendered":"


A Guide on Resolving the “Sorry, You’re Not Allowed to Preview Drafts” Error in Rank Math<\/p>\n

If you are a website owner or a digital marketer, you might be familiar with Rank Math, a popular WordPress SEO plugin. Rank Math offers a range of features to optimize your website for search engines and improve your online visibility. However, like any other software, it can sometimes encounter errors that can hinder your workflow. One such error is the “Sorry, You’re Not Allowed to Preview Drafts” error. In this article, we will guide you on how to resolve this error and get back to optimizing your website effortlessly.<\/p>\n

What is the “Sorry, You’re Not Allowed to Preview Drafts” Error?<\/p>\n

The “Sorry, You’re Not Allowed to Preview Drafts” error is a common issue faced by Rank Math users when trying to preview their draft posts or pages. This error message can be frustrating as it prevents you from seeing how your content will appear on your website before publishing it. However, there are a few potential causes for this error, and we will discuss them along with their solutions.<\/p>\n

1. Insufficient User Permissions:<\/p>\n

One of the primary reasons for encountering this error is insufficient user permissions. To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that your user role has the necessary capabilities to preview drafts. To do this, follow these steps:<\/p>\n

Step 1: Go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to “Users” > “All Users.”<\/p>\n

Step 2: Locate your user account and click on the “Edit” button.<\/p>\n

Step 3: Scroll down to the “Role” section and make sure your user role has the “edit_posts” capability.<\/p>\n

Step 4: Save the changes and try previewing your drafts again.<\/p>\n

2. Conflict with Other Plugins or Themes:<\/p>\n

Sometimes, conflicts between Rank Math and other plugins or themes can trigger the “Sorry, You’re Not Allowed to Preview Drafts” error. To identify and resolve such conflicts, follow these steps:<\/p>\n

Step 1: Deactivate all other plugins except Rank Math.<\/p>\n

Step 2: Try previewing your drafts again. If the error disappears, it means one of the deactivated plugins was causing the conflict.<\/p>\n

Step 3: Activate the plugins one by one and test the preview functionality after each activation.<\/p>\n

Step 4: If the error reappears after activating a specific plugin, you have identified the conflicting plugin. Consider reaching out to the plugin developer for assistance or finding an alternative plugin that serves a similar purpose without causing conflicts.<\/p>\n

3. Rank Math Configuration:<\/p>\n

In some cases, incorrect Rank Math configuration settings can lead to the “Sorry, You’re Not Allowed to Preview Drafts” error. To ensure your Rank Math settings are correctly configured, follow these steps:<\/p>\n

Step 1: Go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to “Rank Math” > “General Settings.”<\/p>\n

Step 2: Scroll down to the “Role Manager” section.<\/p>\n

Step 3: Make sure the “Preview” option is enabled for your user role.<\/p>\n

Step 4: Save the changes and try previewing your drafts again.<\/p>\n

4. Cache and Optimization Plugins:<\/p>\n

If you have caching or optimization plugins installed on your website, they might interfere with Rank Math’s preview functionality. To resolve this issue, follow these steps:<\/p>\n

Step 1: Clear your website cache through your caching plugin settings.<\/p>\n

Step 2: Disable any optimization plugins temporarily.<\/p>\n

Step 3: Try previewing your drafts again. If the error disappears, it means one of the caching or optimization plugins was causing the conflict.<\/p>\n

Step 4: Consider adjusting the settings of the conflicting plugin or finding an alternative solution that allows both Rank Math and the caching\/optimization plugin to work together.<\/p>\n


Encountering errors while using Rank Math can be frustrating, but with the right troubleshooting steps, you can quickly resolve them. The “Sorry, You’re Not Allowed to Preview Drafts” error can be resolved by checking user permissions, identifying conflicts with other plugins or themes, reviewing Rank Math configuration settings, and addressing caching or optimization plugin interference. By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth workflow and continue optimizing your website effectively with Rank Math.<\/p>\n