{"id":2592080,"date":"2023-12-05T09:00:18","date_gmt":"2023-12-05T14:00:18","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/significant-updates-in-valorant-7-12-patch-notes\/"},"modified":"2023-12-05T09:00:18","modified_gmt":"2023-12-05T14:00:18","slug":"significant-updates-in-valorant-7-12-patch-notes","status":"publish","type":"platowire","link":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/significant-updates-in-valorant-7-12-patch-notes\/","title":{"rendered":"Significant Updates in Valorant 7.12 Patch Notes"},"content":{"rendered":"


Valorant, the popular first-person shooter game developed by Riot Games, has recently released its 7.12 patch notes, bringing significant updates and changes to the game. These updates aim to improve gameplay, balance agents, and address various bugs and issues. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most notable changes in the Valorant 7.12 patch.<\/p>\n

One of the major highlights of this patch is the introduction of a new agent called Killjoy. Killjoy is a German engineer who brings a unique set of abilities to the game. Her abilities include Alarmbot, which deploys a bot that hunts down enemies and explodes, causing damage and vulnerability. She also has Turret, a deployable turret that shoots at enemies within its range. Additionally, her Nanoswarm ability allows her to throw a grenade-like device that detonates and damages enemies caught in its area of effect. Finally, her ultimate ability, Lockdown, sets up a device that detains all enemies within its range for a short period, leaving them vulnerable to attacks. Killjoy’s addition to the agent roster adds a new layer of strategy and gameplay possibilities for players.<\/p>\n

In terms of weapon balance changes, the 7.12 patch brings adjustments to several weapons. The Operator, a powerful sniper rifle, has received a nerf to its movement speed while scoped in. This change aims to reduce the Operator’s dominance in long-range engagements and encourage more strategic positioning and teamwork. On the other hand, the Classic pistol has received a buff to its right-click fire mode, making it more accurate and reliable in close-quarters combat.<\/p>\n

The patch also addresses various bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements. For example, players will now be able to see their teammates’ crosshairs while spectating them, allowing for better communication and coordination. Additionally, several issues related to hit registration and audio cues have been resolved, enhancing the overall gameplay experience.<\/p>\n

Another significant change in the 7.12 patch is the introduction of Act Ranks. Act Ranks are a new competitive feature that allows players to showcase their skill and progress within each Act. At the end of each Act, players will receive a badge representing their highest rank achieved during that Act. This addition adds a sense of accomplishment and motivation for players to strive for higher ranks and improve their gameplay.<\/p>\n

Furthermore, Riot Games has made adjustments to the competitive matchmaking system. The patch introduces tighter matchmaking restrictions for high-rank disparities, ensuring fairer matches and reducing the likelihood of imbalanced teams. This change aims to provide a more competitive and enjoyable experience for players at all skill levels.<\/p>\n

Overall, the Valorant 7.12 patch brings significant updates and improvements to the game. With the introduction of a new agent, weapon balance changes, bug fixes, quality-of-life improvements, and the addition of Act Ranks, players can expect a more balanced and rewarding gameplay experience. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, these updates offer exciting opportunities to explore new strategies, showcase your skills, and enjoy the intense action-packed world of Valorant.<\/p>\n