{"id":2602067,"date":"2024-01-13T02:28:25","date_gmt":"2024-01-13T07:28:25","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/over-300-medical-device-manufacturers-join-gem-portal-enabling-direct-selling-to-government-insights-from-operon-strategist\/"},"modified":"2024-01-13T02:28:25","modified_gmt":"2024-01-13T07:28:25","slug":"over-300-medical-device-manufacturers-join-gem-portal-enabling-direct-selling-to-government-insights-from-operon-strategist","status":"publish","type":"platowire","link":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/over-300-medical-device-manufacturers-join-gem-portal-enabling-direct-selling-to-government-insights-from-operon-strategist\/","title":{"rendered":"Over 300 Medical Device Manufacturers Join GeM Portal, Enabling Direct Selling to Government: Insights from Operon Strategist"},"content":{"rendered":"


Over 300 Medical Device Manufacturers Join GeM Portal, Enabling Direct Selling to Government: Insights from Operon Strategist<\/p>\n

In a significant development for the medical device industry, over 300 manufacturers have joined the Government e-Marketplace (GeM) portal, allowing them to directly sell their products to the government. This move is expected to streamline the procurement process and ensure transparency in the purchase of medical devices for government hospitals and healthcare facilities.<\/p>\n

The GeM portal was launched by the Indian government in 2016 with the aim of creating a transparent and efficient procurement system for government departments and organizations. It serves as a one-stop platform for all government procurement needs, including goods, services, and works. By bringing medical device manufacturers on board, the government is taking a proactive step towards ensuring quality healthcare infrastructure across the country.<\/p>\n

Operon Strategist, a leading consulting firm specializing in medical device regulatory affairs and market access, has provided valuable insights into this development. According to Operon Strategist, the inclusion of medical device manufacturers on the GeM portal will have several benefits for both the government and manufacturers.<\/p>\n

Firstly, this move will enhance transparency in the procurement process. By directly selling to the government through the GeM portal, manufacturers can avoid intermediaries and ensure that their products are procured based on merit and quality. This will eliminate any potential biases or favoritism in the selection process, leading to fair competition among manufacturers.<\/p>\n

Secondly, the GeM portal will provide a level playing field for all manufacturers, regardless of their size or location. Previously, smaller manufacturers often faced challenges in reaching out to government buyers due to limited resources and lack of awareness. With the GeM portal, these barriers are eliminated, allowing manufacturers from all corners of the country to showcase their products and compete on an equal footing.<\/p>\n

Operon Strategist also highlights that this development will encourage innovation in the medical device industry. By directly engaging with the government, manufacturers will have a better understanding of the specific requirements and challenges faced by government hospitals and healthcare facilities. This knowledge can drive the development of innovative solutions tailored to meet these needs, ultimately improving patient care and outcomes.<\/p>\n

Furthermore, the GeM portal will simplify the procurement process for government departments. Previously, the procurement of medical devices involved multiple steps and paperwork, leading to delays and inefficiencies. With the GeM portal, the entire process can be completed online, reducing paperwork and saving time. This will enable government hospitals to procure medical devices more efficiently, ensuring timely availability of essential equipment.<\/p>\n

Operon Strategist also emphasizes the need for manufacturers to comply with regulatory requirements and quality standards. While the GeM portal provides an opportunity for manufacturers to directly sell to the government, it also necessitates adherence to stringent quality control measures. Manufacturers must ensure that their products meet the necessary regulatory standards and obtain the required certifications to participate in government procurement.<\/p>\n

In conclusion, the inclusion of over 300 medical device manufacturers on the GeM portal is a significant step towards improving healthcare infrastructure in India. This move will enhance transparency, promote fair competition, encourage innovation, and simplify the procurement process for government hospitals and healthcare facilities. Operon Strategist’s insights shed light on the potential benefits of this development and highlight the importance of regulatory compliance for manufacturers. With continued collaboration between the government and industry stakeholders, the GeM portal has the potential to revolutionize the procurement of medical devices in India, ultimately benefiting patients and healthcare providers alike.<\/p>\n