{"id":2603674,"date":"2024-01-24T10:55:58","date_gmt":"2024-01-24T15:55:58","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/important-advice-for-playing-position-5-supports-in-dota-2\/"},"modified":"2024-01-24T10:55:58","modified_gmt":"2024-01-24T15:55:58","slug":"important-advice-for-playing-position-5-supports-in-dota-2","status":"publish","type":"platowire","link":"https:\/\/platoai.gbaglobal.org\/platowire\/important-advice-for-playing-position-5-supports-in-dota-2\/","title":{"rendered":"Important Advice for Playing Position 5 Supports in Dota 2"},"content":{"rendered":"


Dota 2 is a complex and strategic game that requires teamwork and coordination to succeed. One of the most crucial roles in the game is the position 5 support. This role is responsible for ensuring the safety and farm of the team’s carry, as well as providing vision and utility throughout the game. Playing position 5 support can be challenging, but with the right advice, you can excel in this role and contribute to your team’s success. Here are some important tips to keep in mind when playing position 5 supports in Dota 2.<\/p>\n

1. Prioritize Vision: As a position 5 support, one of your primary responsibilities is to provide vision on the map. Invest in Observer Wards and place them strategically to gain information about enemy movements and objectives. Warding key areas such as the enemy jungle, Roshan pit, and high ground near objectives can greatly benefit your team. Additionally, make sure to deward enemy wards to deny their vision advantage.<\/p>\n

2. Secure Farm for Your Carry: Your carry’s farm is crucial for their progression throughout the game. As a position 5 support, it’s your job to create space and ensure their safety in the early game. Stack neutral camps to accelerate their farm, zone out enemy offlaners, and provide them with healing and regeneration items. Remember, a well-farmed carry can have a significant impact on team fights and objectives.<\/p>\n

3. Rotate Wisely: While your primary focus is on securing your carry’s farm, it’s important to rotate and help other lanes when necessary. If your mid or offlane is struggling, consider rotating to provide assistance. However, be mindful of leaving your carry alone for too long, as they may become vulnerable to ganks. Communication with your team is key to ensure everyone is on the same page regarding rotations.<\/p>\n

4. Utilize Your Abilities Effectively: Position 5 supports often have abilities that can turn the tide of team fights. Make sure to use your spells and items wisely to maximize their impact. For example, heroes like Crystal Maiden can provide powerful crowd control with their ultimate ability, while heroes like Shadow Shaman can disable enemies with their hex and shackles. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your hero is crucial for making impactful plays.<\/p>\n

5. Be Efficient with Resources: As a position 5 support, you will often have limited resources compared to other roles. It’s important to be efficient with your gold and experience. Prioritize essential support items such as Observer Wards, Smoke of Deceit, and Dust of Appearance. Additionally, consider purchasing utility items like Force Staff or Glimmer Cape to provide additional survivability and utility for your team.<\/p>\n

6. Communicate and Coordinate: Dota 2 is a team game, and communication is key to success. As a position 5 support, you have a unique perspective on the game and can provide valuable information to your team. Communicate enemy movements, missing heroes, and potential gank opportunities to ensure everyone is aware and prepared. Coordinate with your team for smoke ganks or team fights to maximize your chances of success.<\/p>\n

In conclusion, playing position 5 support in Dota 2 requires a combination of game knowledge, map awareness, and effective communication. By prioritizing vision, securing farm for your carry, rotating wisely, utilizing your abilities effectively, being resourceful, and communicating with your team, you can excel in this role and contribute significantly to your team’s success. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep playing, learning, and improving to become a formidable position 5 support player in Dota 2.<\/p>\n